WOW!! thanks you for your time!! I think that I forgot to make "some keys" disabled!!!!!! XD You can't imagine how important is your feedback and your support for me.
Wow! Thanks you very much! I want to be translated to as many languages as posiible, but for now I have so little material... But I will count on you on the future!!!! ;)
Oso ona! Asko gozatu dut prototipoa, eta kontzeptua interesgarria zein barregarria da (zentzu onean, noski!). Euskal mitologia eta folklorea inkorporatzen duten joko gehiago behar ditugu, eta honako hau potentzial handia dauka. Zorte on guztiarekin!
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Oso itxura ona dauka, segi horrela!
I enjoyed it, Keep up that hard work!
Mila esker benetan!! Animoak ondo datoz edozein proiekturi aurre egiteko! Mila esker zure denbora hartu eta jokatzeagatik!
Going through my backlog folder, it would be cool if you were still making this!
Full Demo No Commentary
Thanks you so much!! Right now i am working in another project but I plan to work in Guillotine soon! Nice gameplay!! THANKS for your support
Thank you so much for your time and for your comment!
This is awesome! Looking forward to the full release!
Thanks you so much for your time! I am trying to develop the game in my free time. Thanks again!
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WOW!! thanks you for your time!! I think that I forgot to make "some keys" disabled!!!!!! XD You can't imagine how important is your feedback and your support for me.
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:D version console?
Who knows when, but I hope that day will come.
Can I localise the game to Welsh please? Will do it for free as there is very little text. Looking to race my freind on Twitch playing the game.
Wow! Thanks you very much! I want to be translated to as many languages as posiible, but for now I have so little material... But I will count on you on the future!!!! ;)
Oso ona! Asko gozatu dut prototipoa, eta kontzeptua interesgarria zein barregarria da (zentzu onean, noski!). Euskal mitologia eta folklorea inkorporatzen duten joko gehiago behar ditugu, eta honako hau potentzial handia dauka. Zorte on guztiarekin!
Mila esker! Mitologiako elementu gehiago sartzen saiatuko naiz pixkanaka!
Check point please
The second guillotine is a checkpoint when you use it. Thanks your time and for your feedback! We apreciate it A LOT!
I got irritated and ended up closing the game when I couldn't jump a big space with spikes and the game completely restarted, I really liked the game
Yeah, may be it is a little bit to hard from the beginning. If you have enoght time, check again in few days ;)